All posts tagged "decor"
Nicole Bedford | June 27, 2014
Getting in the Mood: American Flag Decor
Have you noticed that the older you get the harder it is to “get in the mood” for...
Nicole Bedford | June 25, 2014
Convince Your Honey to Let You Tackle the Decor
The problem of how to decorate shared interior spaces probably goes back to cave dwelling times. Almost everyone...
Nicole Bedford | May 20, 2014
San Francisco Decorator Showcase Continued
Sorry I’m a bit late in posting this one! On to pictures of a few more rooms at...
Nicole Bedford | May 16, 2014
Peek Inside: San Francisco Decorator Showcase
On Wednesday I went to the San Francisco Decorator Showcase. I had heard mixed reviews, so I wasn’t...
Nicole Bedford | April 11, 2014
How to Brighten Dark Rooms
My friend Abigail wrote the other week and asked if I had any tips for how to brighten...
Nicole Bedford | March 14, 2014
Mental Vacation: Design Crush
This week, I have been completely smitten with blog posts from a handful of very talented women. ...
Nicole Bedford | December 17, 2013
Elements of a Cozy Winter Room
As soon as the winds of Fall start gusting, I start longing for more cozy spaces to lounge...