The Kitchen: Before

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In order to do the before pictures justice, they needed their own post. These are bad, really bad. Even if you don’t have a blog, I suggest taking before pictures of the major projects you start.

It’s so easy to get discouraged when you’re in the middle of things, and nothing seems to be going your way. Your hardware hasn’t been delivered yet, the dishwasher didn’t come with the right connectors. The second can of paint you open is a completely different shade than the one that you ordered.

The before pictures give you hope. It can’t be worse than it was.

There is no eye candy in this post today. None. Unless you love a before.

These pics were taken as the previous tenants were moving out, so they are especially good/bad. Also, they were taken on a cell phone that had a horrible camera.

Here we go…

As you walk into the kitchen, on your right hand side: The Kitchen: Before

The Kitchen: Before

Yes, those are shutters that aren’t in front of a window.

The Kitchen: Before
A little eat in area at the opposite end by the windows. Those white plastic blinds kill me.

The Kitchen: Before

The Kitchen: Before

The Kitchen: Before

And coming around to the other side of the kitchen. There is a stove, a sink, more cabinets and the fridge.
The Kitchen: Before

The Kitchen: Before

The paint on the cabinets was in pretty bad shape. Here’s a shot of the window above the sink:
The Kitchen: Before

And a shot looking back at the doorway.
The Kitchen: Before

There it is/was. The tenants were moving out so they were in the process of packing when we took these, so none of the stuff in these pictures is mine.

Do you feel better about your kitchen now? I can’t wait to show you the afters! It looks like a different kitchen.

If you have a kitchen renovation story, I’d love to here about it below!

Talk to you soon.



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  1. Pingback: Kitchen Details and Sources - Start With Four Walls

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